Sunday, May 07, 2006

My first run's

OK, now for my goals.

As I mentioned previously, my ultimate goal this year is to run the Melbourne Marathon 2006 (MM06).

As I’m generally lazy, and quickly lose motivation, I have decided to set some shorter term goals leading up to MM06.

A work mate, George, has recently completed a 5km run (Run for the kids) and was keen to continue running. His primary driver is the same as mine – get fit, and loose some weight.

I had told George about the ‘Run to the G’ in June, and we decided that we would train together for the event. My preference is to run the 10km, but George wants to run the 5km. either way I’m not fussed, as it will give me a chance to train with someone (more motivation).

Our ‘training plan’ is as follows: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (lunch time), we will walk to the Tan from work, run 1 lap, and walk back. George thinks that this will be enough training for ‘Run to the G’. However, if my ultimate goal is MM06, I will have to put in some extra runs or at least a long run on the weekend.

Our training started this Monday, and went according to plan. We walked to the Tan, and then ran around. I couldn’t find my stop watch, so we had to use the Nylex Clock as a guide. Anyway, we managed to complete the 4km without stopping (even up Anderson Street Hill) in a blistering time of 22 min, give or take a minute…

Wednesday was our next training day, but no George - he had called in sick. I thought I would take advantage of this, and run from work around the Tan and back (apx 9km?). To my surprise, I completed it without stopping. Again, I don’t have a stop watch, so used a combination of the clock in the lift, and a big time clock on the Tan. Total run: 49min. Tan: 21 min.

Friday was the same story, George was still crook, so I ran from work, around the Tan and back. I didn’t time myself, but felt OK. My calf muscles are still a little sore from the Wednesday run.

I originally planned a ‘long run’ of 8km this Sunday, but didn’t plan on running the same distance through the week. I’m keen to do something over 8km (say 10km or 12km) but don’t want to over do it at this early stage. I have to go into work tomorrow, so will probably do the same 9km run from work, around the Tan, and back.


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